Yesterday was my last monitoring scan and also intralipid infusion. Scan went well, nurse Rachel was really nice. There is one follicle just over 21mm in my left ovary and about 4 or 5 above 18mm and a few around 16mm. Two or three around 12mm which still might grow a tiny bit. All in all Rachel said there might be 10 follicles with an egg in.
I was ready for my trigger, this time I got prescribed Pregnyl instead of Ovitrelle like last two treatment cycles. It's actually much cheaper and the main difference is that Pregnyl has higher level of hCG so might help more of my eggs to mature.
Intralipids went well too, apart from actually finding a vein in my arms. One nurse was looking on my right arm and then hand, looked for a vein but the needle just wouldn't find one. That quite hurt. She gave me a hot chocolate and told me to rub my hands as they were quite cold. Another nurse came and looked everywhere and finally got me the cannula in. Took a blood sample and then connected the IV. It took about an hour to empty the bag.
Got a phone call about my trigger and egg collection timing yesterday evening. Trigger was half past midnight and we're supposed to be at the clinic tomorrow for 11am.
Right side of my lower belly hurts today but I guess it's just because of the size of the follicles. Although my right side is the "weaker" one, less follicles and smaller in size.
Tried a pregnancy test as I had one left over from the last cycle and it did pick up the trigger hCG levels nicely, showing quite strong two lines. Let's hope and pray for a another two lines in 16 days.