Two nurses took me through which was unusual but it looked like the one who was actually doing the scan was learning. The second nurse I recognised but didn't remember her name. Oh well. Scan went well, not too uncomfortable at this stage. I wasn't told exactly how many follicles she could see but apparently it was good number on each side, left ovary being the 'better' one again. Lining was thin as well so we were given all clear for starting Gonal F injections from today. Yay!
After the scan we waited only a few minutes until a nurse from pharmacy picked us up in the waiting room. I got two big white paper bags full of drugs. There was Gonal F, then Zomacton with two sets of needles plus syringes, then aspirin and folic acid. I already did my injections today, 'only' two but tomorrow it will be full house - all three injections plus the tablets. Can't wait.
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