Monday, 27 February 2017

IVF #3

Our third treatment cycle starts soon. Yay!

We had our follow up appointment in September 2016. The doctor was really nice (and also different one than we talked to before) and talked us through our last treatment in detail. She recommended using IMSI which is looking at the sperm with better resolution microscope to see smaller deformities that they could miss when not using this super microscope. We have 4 vials of sperm left and she said this method might use all four of them if they can't find good sperm. As Rick is very uncomfortable when it comes to his privates and anything doing with them, we all agreed they would only use 2 vials per cycle with this method so we had some sperm left for another cycle if it didn't work out this time so Rick wouldn't have to have another surgery so soon. He did get an infection and needed antibiotics and it is very tricky to care for the wound when he has to transfer from and to his wheelchair all the time.
She also agreed to my suggested lower dose of stimulation drug (Gonal F) as I only had a few follicles reaching size big enough for collection. She said I am not really eligible for the intralipid infusion so we are not doing that this time.

Tomorrow is my endometrial scratch. That will be my day 15 and I will start my down regulation next week Wednesday on my day 23. Not really sure why not day 21 like last two times but I'm sure they have their resons. I do kind of remember the very sharp pain from the last scratch but they also forgot to tell me to take two painkillers an hour prior to the procedure. This time they called when they said they would which is a good sign. The timing was very lucky because I thought I would have the scratch on day 20 or 21 again (meaning next week Monday-ish) and we only got back from being abroad for 4 weeks yesterday.

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