Thursday, 23 March 2017

Baseline scan

I had my baseline scan today. It was scheduled back in February when I informed the clinic about the start of my period and because I have bled again in between, there was no need to reschedule.
Got there for 9am, no problems there. After a short wait a nurse whose name I didn't quite catch took me through. She was very nice and very thorough, haha. It hurt. Most of the times it was just very uncomfortable but when she was reaching to see the top of my uterus and both ovaries, that was nothing I'd like to remember very often. My lining is thin which is good. There are about 6 or 7 follicles in each ovary which is a good number.  Just in the right one there is one slightly bigger follicle, possibly a follicle I have just ovulated from or possibly a little cyst, although that would have been a concern if it was 10mm in size or bigger and this one was only 8mm.
They confirmed I will start my stimulation today. Yay! I'm also starting higher dose of folic acid and aspirin. Zomacton from stimulation day 3 and every other day after that as well. Although I thought I would be on a slightly lower dose of Gonal F than last time, the doctor prescribed a bit higher one - 125 IU instead of 112,5 IU. Also, we agreed there was no real reason to have intralipid infusions again but they are in my treatment plan so... Not sure if I'm happy with that because I honestly don't want to experience all the confusion and chaos from the clinic's side again. Let's hope this time they know about everything that is supposed to happen.

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