Monday, 26 March 2018

We are ready to trigger!

Rick had an all-nighter with two of his mates yesterday so I wasn't surprised when he didn't mind me going to the clinic on my own today.
It was quite busy at the car park and they were running a bit late with their appointments but it wasn't too too bad.
Today I got taken care of nurse Sarah #2, the one that didn't seem very nice the first tim e I met her but she was lovely today. Maybe the other time it just wasn't her day or maybe I was too cranky and too judgmental or something. My lining is around 11mm which is good. The follicles are massive now, much bigger than I've ever seen as at the first clinic they always triggered me as soon as one follicle was above 18mm. I had some well over 20mm, I think they might have been even 23 or 24mm. Nurse Sarah recons some of the smaller ones will still grow a bit so altogether I could have 14 follicles above 14mm that could contain an egg. Yay! I do need to make myself drink more water though as it prevents developing OHSS and I have been having bad headaches from buserelin injections but also because Sarah told me there was some fluid behind my right ovary which is a sign of dehydration. I'm kicking myself now for being stupid.
After that I had a session with another nurse, the same one Rick and I were signing all of our consent forms with. Forgot her name but she is so very lovely. I got mine and Rick's instruction sheets for Wednesday and all my drugs I will need to start taking from Wednesday.
Here they are:
1) Lubion - injection twice daily, starting Wednesday evening, which is luteal support;
2) Fragmin (used to be Clexane) - injection once daily, starting Thursday, I think this one is to support implantation;
3) Prednisolone - steroid tablets to be taken daily on the morning (if taken too late in the day, apparently they could give me some very weird dreams), these are to support implantation as well and to advert rejection of the embryo/s;
plus 4) Doxycycline - just preventive antibiotics for 8 days after the collection.

And I got my trigger of course which is not Ovitrelle, it is Gonasi which I am to take tonight at 9pm sharp. That works well for me as I have been taking all my injections this cycle at 9pm. I made myself a nice little colour coded spreadsheet so I don't forget any of this.

We are supposed to be at the clinic at 8:30am on Wednesday. I should go to theatre at 9am and Rick right after me around 9:40am.

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