Out of my 10 eggs 7 were suitable for ICSI and 4 fertilised. I was told the transfer most probably won't be on day 2.
The next day I got a call saying all four embryos are still developing at expected which was great because normally we would already have some delayed on day 2.
On Saturday they called me at 7:15 which I knew straight away the transfer would be on that day because they are always trying to give as much notice as possible. I was told two embryos were a bit delayed and an average to poor quality so we had our two winners which were in a 8-cell and 9-cell stages. Rick couldn't come this time because he had a stag planned for ages now and the timing just didn't work out. If the egg collection stayed on the original day, Tuesday, then day 3 would have been on Friday and he could have come. Oh well. I asked my best friend Jade to come with me instead.
I made sure I drank enough water this time so I wouldn't get told off again like at the last clinic lol. I was the last one of the day and went straight in which was perfect. The embryologist showed me the two beauties still in the dish and after the transfer she gave me a Treatment summary with their pictures. I named them Bubble Wrap and Spot. They are sooo cute lol.
So far I obviously don't feel any symptoms, just my boobs have been sore since the egg collection. Last night it actually hurt the sleep in my front because of them. That sucks because that's my favourite sleeping position. All in all I feel fine and positive.
To zní skvěle! :) Držím palce! Kdy bude výsledek?