Friday, 25 May 2018

Fast forward to IVF no.6!

My husband and I attended a follow up appointment on May 8th. We were told about possible donor sperm as one of our options. We politely declined. It is really Rick's decision and I respect it completely. We want to keep trying with our gametes as long as possible. That was day 26 of the first natural cycle after unsuccessful IVF no.5. We told the doctor we wanted to start a new treatment cycle as soon as possible. We were told that's fine, I was supposed to let them know when my period starts as usual and then we would plan the endometrial scratch for one day between days 17-21. We also planned a TIA appointment which was just signing all their consent forms again and go through our treatment plan. That was yesterday.
We got there and the nurse asked me why I haven't contacted them about my Day 1. Well, that's simple. My period hasn't come yet! It was day 42 and nothing. She then talked to Dr David and they agreed, if there is absolutely no chance of pregnancy, as there is not, we would book the pipelle scratch randomly and start the down regulation on the same day together with a 5-day course of pills that should kick start my cycle and I should have a withdrawal bleed as usual before the baseline scan. The other option was just to give me the pills and wait for my period to come but that could have taken up to three weeks. So we opted for option number 1. The next available slot for the procedure was actually today!
So we went and here we are. The scratch hurt nowhere near as last time. Yay! The lining looked good and there are around 13 follicles on my right ovary and 6 on my left one as well as either a cyst or a follicle around 25mm big. They prescribed me Ovitrelle to make me ovulate and get rid of that follicle so it wouldn't interfere with the next treatment. After I was given thumbs up and straight after we got home I took the first pill. Next one will be tonight together with Suprecur.

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