Friday, 6 September 2019

8th time the charm

Alright. Number 8 is under way. We went to the clinic last Tuesday for TIA (treatment information appointment) and endometrial scratch. It was nice to see all the familiar faces and places again after our longest break yet. I took my last pill on Sunday 1st september and was waiting for my period to come. Nothing. I called the clinic yesterday if there is any point coming today for the down regulation scan so we cancelled the appointment but I was told  if period comes, I should still come. I was not massively happy with coming and having scan while bleeding so I actually thought about lying and just calling them on Monday, saying period started Friday evening. But then my better me decided what the hell, let's just get it over with, they told me to come so they wouldn't have any problems with it.
Travel down to the clinic was horrible, so many incapable drivers on the road needed a kick in their ass. Going 35mph on a 50? Or going 50 on 70? I was shouting at them, my road rage getting better of me but I just couldn't help it.
Scan was good, no cysts, lining about 3,5mm thick as my period hasn't stopped yet. All good. Drive home was luckily better.

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