Monday, 4 November 2019


We have had a few scares. Two weeks ago on Thursday (5+5) I was spotting so panicked and called the clinic. I talked for a bit with the nurse and at the end she said I can come in 50 minutes for a scan. I had to hurry and Rick couldn't come with me on such a short notice but I did it. Doctor David was doing the scan which I was very glad for. He found out everything is fine as well as it's twins! I was so shocked! We saw both heartbeats as well. I was just staring at the screen, my mind was racing everywhere and I just couldn't still believe it. Called Rick straight away as I got in the car. He was shocked too. I think everyone was when we told them. I still need to come to terms with it lol.
My friend who was 34 weeks pregnant at the time came over for a chat after her hospital appointment. After a while I got up to go toilet to find out I was bleeding bright red blood quite a lot. I was so scared. Told my friend and husband and called the clinic immediately. They told me to lie down and wear a pad and in case I soak it through in an hour or so, then go to A&E. Fortunately the bleeding stopped quite quickly. Had a lazy day on Friday and Saturday, only had some brown spotting here and there which seemed to have been stopping anyway so on Sunday I went to support Ricky in his first ever marathon. It took him 4 hours and 50 minutes, woohoo! Some of his friends came too so we agreed to go to a pub after for a drink and a light dinner. Drove home to pick the dog up and I really needed a toilet but saw that I was bleeding again. No pub for us then as I said I'm going A&E. Got there around 15:30. Got through triage in 15 minutes and the waiting started. I was told as it was Sunday there was noone to do a scan but I wanted to get checked anyway. Then the nurses took my blood and more waiting followed. Then they called my name again and took me through to Surgical Assessment Unit. There was a lady who was in the hospital since 10am! They called me through quite quickly and as the triage nurse said, there will be no scan. I did agree to a cervical exam and it was good. Cervix closed although there was a slight trickle of fresh blood coming from the uterus.
On Monday morning (6+3) I called the clinic and they told me to come at 3pm. All was good, heartbeats there but there was some blood at the bottom. We cancelled our Thursday appointment and rescheduled for today.
Everything is fine, blood clot is still there but it's not interfering with the babies' development. We saw the umbilical chords and the amniotic sacks as well as the limb buds.
Next scan is in three weeks.

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