Tuesday 10 May 2016


Everybody around me is getting pregnant or already had a baby. Literally. My college classmates, friends, colleagues, family members... It just seems unfair. Why not me? I mean I am happy for them and it was very unlikely for us that the IVF would work the very first time but why can't we be in the middle of IVF #2 as we were supposed to be? Why is everything so much dependent on how my body reacted or still reacts to the drugs that are out of my system for over two months now? It's ridiculous. I now pray that I don't start bleeding in the middle of my next cycle again because I really want this to happen. I understand why other women get frustrated easily when this or something similar happens. I can't help but think about all this all the time. And we are only in the waiting period just now. I think Rick is getting a bit annoyed with me because I keep going on and on and on about it. I can't help it, honestly. Oops.

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