Monday 25 January 2016

Clumsy or not?

Uh-oh, another bruise. I thought I would be getting better at injecting myself but I'm not. It seems I'm developing a kind of pattern. When I inject in the left side of my lower belly, it doesn't hurt but it bruises. If I inject the middle section, oh it hurts. The right side is problem-free so far. Rick asked me why don't I just inject in the right side then but I was told to alternate sides and cover the whole 'big smile' area (belly button being the 'nose'). I'm starting to get a bit worried for when I'm doing two injections a day (buserelin and Gonal F). On the other hand hopefully the baseline scan in 4 days will be good and will be able to start the stimulation phase of the treatment soon. Only if I start my period though. That is essential to have happened before the scan, otherwise we will have to reschedule it for next week or later. My period is supposed to start today but nothing yet. I should calm myself down as there is still a few days window before panicking and calling the clinic.

Here is a picture of my 2in1 bruise (the one from last Friday, 10 days ago, still hasn't disappeared, making the left side of it blue-yellowish and right side blue-dark purple, sorry for that much detail but it looks like my best piece of art work).

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