Monday 25 January 2016


When this happened: 15th December 2015. The day finally came. Rick is not happy. It was Tuesday and he didn't appreciate my idea of having chicken balls for dinner on Monday. He was hungry and thirsty but that was necessary because of general anaesthesia. We arrived for 12:30pm, being told he will go in the theatre between 3 and 4pm. Nurses kept coming and going, measuring blood pressure, filling out different forms, especially the one where he could choose what sandwich he's gonna get after he wakes up. We tried to watch Game of Thrones on iPad but were told off. Phone batteries started dying after couple of hours of playing and fidgeting to kill some time. Finally, at 3:45pm they came for him. I asked how long it will probably take and was told sometime between an hour or two. Not too bad, I could eat my salad now I brought with me but didn't want to eat in front of him and tease him with it. He did tell me a salad is not gonna tease him but still... It was food, right?
They wheeled him back after only 45 minutes. They surprised me, I was comfy sitting in a hospital chair, his wheelchair in front of me with my legs nicely on it. We needed to move everything so the bed would fit. He was so cute. Told me he forgot to count to 10. I kept cuddling him and reassuring him that it's done now just to find out later he didn't remember first 15 minutes of being back from the theatre. Complete waste of time it was then, haha.
We were told earlier they would tell us the results before we go home. It was quite a crucial moment because we had no idea whether Rick was able to have his own baby after 8 years being it the chair. While he was in the theatre, because he was the last patient going through this procedure that day, the couple next to us got their results. I could not not hear it, there were only paper curtains between the beds. They were told the doctors did not find any sperm. They looked for it in both testicles for over hour and a half but unfortunately didn't find any mature sperm. I couldn't imagine how devastating that had to be to hear. It made me only more afraid what our result was going to be.
The urologist came fairly early, maybe half and hour after Rick was back from the theatre and told us they found sperm and extracted 6 ampoules where 1 is normally enough for one cycle. What a relief! On the other hand I felt bad for the lovely couple next to us because they had to be able to hear it too...
Got home ok with me driving and spent 3 days in bed, doctor's orders. Within 5 weeks it is nicely healed and we can't almost tell where the incision was.

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