Friday 12 February 2016

Egg collection aka Day 0

We just got back from the clinic where I had my egg collection (retrieval). We got there early, just before 8am and there were already so many people coming to have their procedures done. Fortunately I was the first to go from our room, second of the day. They showed me my little place behind curtains, there was no bed but a recliner chair, quite comfy actually. The nurses measured my blood pressure, took my temperature, had a little chat about allergies, just normal stuff really. Then I was given a pill to make me feel a bit more relaxed although I don't think it worked very well. I was also given an ibuprofen suppository which wasn't pleasant at all but nothing terrible either. You get used to 'that feeling' after a few minutes.
They came to collect me at about 9:20am. Wheeled me to the theatre, the nurse didn't let me push myself, haha. Everybody was ready for me, I got on the table and they put cannula in. It took a while because my veins are quite rubbish but it was done the first time. It was go time. The nurse put the first bit of sedation in, I started feeling a tiny bit dizzy after a minute. Then the doctor 'shoved' something big inside me, no idea what that was and she wasn't gentle at all either. Then she injected the local anaesthetic on both sides of the cervix and we were ready to start the collection itself. Then the nurse put another bit of sedation through my cannula. The procedure didn't hurt but in wasn't exactly comfortable. I could feel some pressure in my lower belly, some stinging, quite a lot of stuff was going on in there. It was done in about 30 minutes. Got some antibiotics (suppositories again, apparently everybody gets them). I was told still in the theatre that they got 8 eggs so far but still need to check one last tube. They wheeled me back to the room and gave me a hot chocolate with a warm croissant and blackcurrant jam (yummy, my favourite). After that I had a little sleep, Rick told me it was almost an hour. Then they told me to go to toilet if I can to see that I have no problems with passing urine and then the nurse took the cannula out and I was good to change and be discharged.
They collected 12 eggs in total. Yay! We will get a call from embryologist tomorrow to see how many of them fertilised (on average around 70%). If it is less than 4, they will probably do day 2 transfer which would be Sunday. If 4 or more fertilise, we will aim towards day 5 blastocyst transfer which would be Wednesday.

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