Friday 5 February 2016

Stimulation, Day 6

I accidentally deleted my post from 31/01/16: Stimulation, Day 1. :((( I'll just write a few things I remember. We started the stimulation phase on Sunday 31st January. That means I started injecting 112,5 IU of Gonal F as well as lower dose (20 IU instead of 50) of buserelin. Gonal F contains a type of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) which is basically boosting my ovaries into making several follicles each hopefully containing an egg. The lower dose of buserelin is preventing the follicles from maturing too early and releasing the eggs before the egg collection and therefore lost for this cycle.
I wasn't afraid of the injection at all, it's already pre-filled pen so you just have to put a single-use needle on it and adjust the dose to the correct number. I've read the leaflet, I have the little poster they gave me blue-tacked above my chest of drawers, where I've set up my injection station, the nurses showed me how to do it but I ended up with the pen in one hand ready to inject and the instructions in the other flipping through the pages just to make sure I screwed the needle on correctly. I was nervous because it is an important part of the procedure, the number of eggs will depend on whether I am able to do the second injection correctly like the first one. At the end I managed to perform and all went well. So for the next week and half or so it will be two injections a day at 7:30pm. Yay.

Today is my S6 (6th day of stimulation phase, have had 5 doses so far). We went back to the clinic for our second scan, first one after baseline. Met the same nurse as last week and her name is Zoe. I had to look at her name badge but got it at the end. Today it wasn't as busy at the outpatients but ended up waiting half an hour before being called through. We didn't mind though, no rush. It's just that every time someone comes to the waiting room, everyone looks up in case it's a nurse calling them. It's like a room full of meerkats.
The scan itself and the talk after with the nurse was again quick. She said my lining is thickening nicely, which is good. Then she saw 3 follicles in my right ovary over 10mm and one 11mm one in my left ovary. Plenty of smaller ones. Good news for us. I honestly didn't understand how she could see any follicles last time and count them, I just saw grey colour here, darker there and lighter again. Nothing that looked like... something. Today I saw these big black circles inside me. I'm quite surprised that I'm not bloated. I have read on loads of IVF blogs that a lot of women suffer from constipation and/or bloating (and I also think I've read it in the drug leaflets in side effects part). I do get the odd headache or bellyache or I feel a bit sick sometimes in the evening but that might be completely unrelated to the drugs. Anyway, I'm reacting well to the drugs and both ovaries joined the party. I was told to stay on the same doses of both Gonal F and  buserelin and will be coming back for another scan on Monday. Nurse Zoe is expecting my follicles to grow to about 14-15mm by then and they need to be approx.18mm before the trigger shot. So we will see if the follicles are growing slow and steady or whether they are going to be bigger on Monday already. In that case they will consider me for the trigger shot earlier. Happy days. :)

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